
Here’s what you need to know about rabies 2


Vaccinating dogs


Vaccinating people

  • extensive wound washing with water and soap for at least 15 minutes soon after an exposure;
  • a course of rabies vaccine; and
  • administration of rabies immunoglobulin or monoclonal antibodies into the wound, if indicated.

Exposure risk and indications for PEP


Vaccine quality

Vaccine administration – intradermal (ID) vs intramuscular (IM)

WHO response

  • improving access to human rabies vaccines through the efforts of the WHO and its partners, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which had included human rabies vaccines in its Vaccine Investment Strategy for 2021–2025. Despite pandemic-related delays, WHO now collaborates with Gavi to implement the program in 2024;
  • providing technical guidance to countries in developing and implementing their national rabies elimination plans, focusing on strengthening surveillance and reporting;
  • encouraging countries to build the capacity of their One Health workforce by using rabies elimination programs as a platform for multisectoral collaborations; and
  • encouraging the use of United Against Rabies (UAR) multi-stakeholder forum, which was launched in collaboration with WHO, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE), to advocate for action and investment in rabies control.


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